Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blood, Stupidity, and Laundry

Well in the last week I have been a little busy. Last Friday I cut myself with a box knife and nearly passed out. Everyone said to go to the hospital, but I didn't. Turns out that just like I said I was fine. In a day it was all closed up and now a week later it looks like a scratch. Yesterday I had someone show up at work an hour and a half late. After I told him that I would write him up he started swearing and crying at the same time. After seeing this manager took him out of the building. Apparently he hates me and wanted to beat the shit out of me. You know the usual. So in the end instead of being written up he was fired.

Meanwhile the Laundry Wars continue in my building. Since moving to this building trying to do laundry has been a real annoying situation. Normally this is just means people doing two loads of laundry for 5 hours or taking my wet clothes out of the drying and shoving in their own. Today I was about 5 or 6 minutes late to pull out my laundry, normally this would mean I my laundry is in a pile on a dryer. Instead, I find my clothes neatly folded on a dryer. It just is a little creepy to know that a strange person was folding my clothes.


Winter said...

I like how you kind of gloss over the nearly passing out part. I was there, and when you first said it I thought you were joking, but then when I looked at your face I thought "Holy shit, he's really going to pass out!" I've never seen anybody go that pale, 'cept J. at work, but he's naturally that colour.

P.S. Now I'm kind of scared to do my laundry...

colonel eggroll said...

Somebody folded our laundry this evening too! We came home from running errands, and they were neatly folded in a pile. It was kind of weird because they were our whites, and a few bras and underwear were in there. Personally, I would never touch strange underwear much less fold them.

Winter said...

A strange rash of anonymous laundry foldings, can this town get anymore weird?


Don't answer that. I know it can, and I'm sure it will.

Steve said...

Although I don't exactly hide the fact that I hate this town, I am constantly amazed by the level of stupidity these people sink to.