Saturday, February 17, 2007

Blizzards and Meltdowns

Well we survived the blizzard and it wasn't so bad. Nothing to eventful happened because of the snow. I didn't work Wednesday so I didn't have to go out in most of it. I did venture out in the afternoon to get groceries and pizza. When I came home I managed to get my car stuck. Had it not been for the kindness of some passing motorists (I blocked the road so they had to help move me) I would have be in some trouble.

Work has been a mess all week. Jay, one of or newer managers, got sent to another store after Monday when someone over there got fired. I tried to be sad about it, but we really didn't need him at our store. I keep having near breakdowns because some of the other managers just leave and the whole store is a disaster. Last night two managers were off at 8 and when they left I was out of everything and I was short one person. It took me an hour to get everything caught up. I was pissed. After we closed I took everyone out to Tim Horton's and we stayed til 3.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Winter Blahs

Well after starting no less than 4 posts in the last two weeks, I have finally committed to finishing one of them. Life is still dull. The laundry wars continue with more weirdness. This time with a bitchy girl finding my spare car key she found in a dryer. Work is still work. I put in more time, money, and effort and get back crap. The two new managers are having problems, word is if they don't shape up soon they're done. This sucks because they are good people, but not the best managers yet. Also at work I went on a bit of a firing spree. In a few weeks I fired, or tried to fire, 3 people. Unfortunately some of them did not stay fired, but that is another story.

I can register for my last class in a week which I can't wait for. The thought of being done with college is thrilling. I am 25 and have been in college since I was 17, I am beyond ready to be done. The fact that my friends who are several years younger than me will graduate before is depressing. Sigh, just like my job my education is also a disappointment.

Another disappointment is that my favorite band, Relient K, has a great new single out that I can't find anywhere but on their myspace page. The disappointment lies in the fact that even then on the page you can't download it. Searching for it on iTunes was useless too, I have to wait for the new CD to come out in March. No problem except that I am a horribly impatient person. That makes life just grand.