Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My life as it is

Well I must say I have been avoiding doing a post since my class is not going well right now. I may very well fail the class or just barely pass. The thought of admitting that in writing sucks. If I don't pass now I won't have the money, or the desire, to retake the class anytime soon. Also it would ruin my chance of get my student loans consolidated. Rather than deal with it I have been push on trying to study harder and make a go of it. Next week I'll see how well that worked out.

Meanwhile I have been busy with work, our general manager was out last week, which left me in charge. Of course that means that everything went wrong almost immediately. We had a few pieces of equipment break and some real issues with the crew and managers. It didn't work out the way I thought it would. It kinda sucked.

Becky is going to have her birthday on Friday and I have done nothing to really get ready for it. I still have to clean and buy something to wear. Not to mention the fact that I work til 8 and it starts at 7. Nothing like coming to a party in your uniform and then taking a shower while the party is going on.

This weekend I have to go home because my parents are moving. This means that my 8 or 9 boxes of comics will now have to be stored in my basement storage space. Also I am sure that there is alot more stuff that I can't even remember. In the end I am so glad that my mom is finally getting a better house. She so deserves it.

I started reading a the comic Secret War this week. I admit I bought it s while ago when Walden's was going out of business and didn't read it. It is so much better than I was expecting. I thought it would be like the team up book of the same title from the 80's, but this is completely different. The story has plots to overthrow foreign governments by international government agencies, cover ups, and my favorite super heroes. All in all it has been a surprisingly good read that helps me to understand the events of marvel comics' Civil War series that just ended with the death of Captain America.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Blah Day

Well today has been a day full of doing things I hate to do. I woke up too late to go to church, so I decided to be useful and get everything done around the apartment that I have wanted to get done for weeks. I have done dishes, cleaned the garbage can, did some extreme cleaning on my bathroom, did all my laundry, and cleaned my closet and bedroom. The last project was the worst. I still don't know if I am really done, I just know it is a lot better than before. I thought having a walk in closet would be a great thing. I must have assumed that this meant I could get more clothes, because I have. Last August when we moved in I only needed half of the closet and know it is almost completely full. I know this means I need to part with some clothes, but I finally feel like I have clothes that I like and don't feel like giving up anything, except maybe my uniforms, they take up a lot of space.

I also sat down and finished applying for a consolidation loan for my student loans. The hope is that I can somehow can get to amount that I can afford to pay every month. I was glad to find out even without my dad cosigning that I should be able to consolidate. I just want my parents completely out of my financial situation. Having my dad call me whenever I forget to pay the student loan sharks is annoying as hell.

Also dealing with money I did something really stupid with about fifteen dollars of mine today. I finally downloaded music from itunes. I think I have sold my soul to the corporate gods, but I found some music that I couldn't find anywhere else. I feel stupid for it, but the more I listen to the songs the less I care.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Burns, Cold Showers and My Stupidity.

Yesterday I got burned at work. A kid who is normally really good splashed grease from the fryer on my arm. He apologized, but having 350 degree grease run down my arm made me less willing to accept his apology. Now I have several burns from my wrist to my elbow.

Then today I had to wake up early, 7:30. I normally am okay with this, but I worked until two last night. So after five hours of sleep I went to get up and stumble into the shower. I turned on the water and it never got hot. Hoping it was just a fluke I just decided to grab a bite to eat and start studying for my exam (the entire reason I was up early). Well I can't wake up in the morning without a hot shower and some caffeine, so my studying quickly became falling back to sleep.

I called the real estate company that owns my building and they told me that they were replacing the water heaters today (like I hadn't figured that out already). All they told me is that they would have it replaced sometime today. Goddamn morons. If they had let me know ahead of time I wouldn't have had to deal with this crap.

So after a cold shower I had to take my exam that I don't think I did well. I just don't really get this stuff. My did I have to choose math as a major. I can't seem to prove anything and I barely remember calculus.

This sucks.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Stupid Insane People are Everywhere

Today was pretty much a normal Friday at work. We were busy and then at around 2 everything calms down. Well at about 3 I was getting something to eat when the phone rang. Since I was the closest manager to the phone I picked it up and answered it. The next thing I know I have some crazy old lady getting upset with me. This is not uncommon, but her complaint was. She was upset because a register person asked her how she was doing. I was floored. I explained to her that they were just trying to be nice. That didn't help. She then began a 5 minute long rant about how asking her how her how she was doing was an invasion of privacy. I could just not reason with her, telling her that she was not obligated to answer was no help. She demanded that I stop anyone in the store from every asking that question again. I tried to let her know that I could not begin to guaranty that and then she demanded the number for our company office and said she would never be back.

I still just don't get it. We make our employees be nice and we get complaints that a totally insane. I just ought to let my crew people ask, "What the hell to you want?" I could work better

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Good news all around

Well I have just returned from spending the last 5 plus hours at the company picnic. For the most part it was pretty fun. Some of the 'cool kids' came so I didn't feel so alone. I circulated the area and talked to someone from every store. I even played kickball for a little while, although I was really bad. Anyway it was cool. I almost had to give a speech for our top crew person of the year.

Other good news is that I finally got promoted on Friday. I am just glad for the little bit more pay that I'll be getting. Like every other time I have gotten promoted I have that acknowledgement that I am already doing the job that I now have. Wow do a job for a few months and then get the job, this makes no sense at all.

In less happy, but still good news I am taking the analysis class that I need to graduate. This is my last class and I will graduate in August. The end to my 8 year struggle for my 4 year degree is in sight. Unfortunately I still have to pass what for me is a really difficult class. I just have to get a C, I'm aiming higher of course, but I'll settle for a C.

Even things with my Mom seem to be getting at least a little better. Dad is seriously looking for a house for them and Mom is getting some help. I honestly don't think Mom has sounded this okay around the anniversary of my brothers death. So yeah for once the pessimist has a good day and this may be one of them.