Sunday, July 01, 2007

Good news all around

Well I have just returned from spending the last 5 plus hours at the company picnic. For the most part it was pretty fun. Some of the 'cool kids' came so I didn't feel so alone. I circulated the area and talked to someone from every store. I even played kickball for a little while, although I was really bad. Anyway it was cool. I almost had to give a speech for our top crew person of the year.

Other good news is that I finally got promoted on Friday. I am just glad for the little bit more pay that I'll be getting. Like every other time I have gotten promoted I have that acknowledgement that I am already doing the job that I now have. Wow do a job for a few months and then get the job, this makes no sense at all.

In less happy, but still good news I am taking the analysis class that I need to graduate. This is my last class and I will graduate in August. The end to my 8 year struggle for my 4 year degree is in sight. Unfortunately I still have to pass what for me is a really difficult class. I just have to get a C, I'm aiming higher of course, but I'll settle for a C.

Even things with my Mom seem to be getting at least a little better. Dad is seriously looking for a house for them and Mom is getting some help. I honestly don't think Mom has sounded this okay around the anniversary of my brothers death. So yeah for once the pessimist has a good day and this may be one of them.


Winter said...

Good news? On Steve's blog??? Oh man, that's shattering my world. ;)

colonel eggroll said...

This is crazy! =)