Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Big Two Five

That is it as of yesterday I am twenty-five. This really wouldn't bother me, but about a month ago I realized that half of my twenties would be over. I always thought by this point in my life I would have my life more together, ya know. I have got a shit job, no girlfriend, and a mountain of debt. Ah the life.

Well the day started out badly when I woke up at 6:05. The problem is that I was supposed to be at work at 6. Once I got to work things didn't really get any better. I managed to get through the day somehow. Anyway I did get to actually try to have fun on my birthday. I went out with Winter, and Le, La, and their roommate. After a few shots and a few drinks I at least felt a little less depressed. There is nothing like drinking and eating chocolate cake at 1 in the morning. The joys of adulthood.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Oh my God, He's bald

Okay the day started out kind of bad with me waking up at 9 and not being able to get back to sleep. Then after I had gotten around and taken my car to be fixed I had the great idea to get my hair cut. I had recently had the bad idea of growing out my hair a little. This was dumb because my hair becomes an unruly wavy mess. Anyway I just wanted my hair cut so I when to the same place I usually do. I showed her how long I wanted my hair to be and then I took off my glasses and let her start. I knew it was bad when it took so long. My hair although a little long for me was still short and a long haircut should have been under ten minutes, but this one was more than twenty. By the time my glasses were back on it was too late, the damage was done. I look like I got a buzz cut. I haven't had my hair this short since I was in the sixth grade. I feel bald and naked. For once I am glad I have to wear a hat to work. I will now be stuck with this now for at least a month, yeah me.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

No posts, No apologies

Well I want to say that I haven't had the time to post, but the truth is that I haven't had more to write about. My life has been very dull. I have been working a lot and I just finished finals this week, but still I just haven't had much to say.

Life still kind of sucks. My (newer) car just wouldn't start today. Of course it was with a car full of friends in a Target parking lot so I had plenty of people to make fun of me. Ah, the joys of friendship.

I still have a ton of Christmas shopping to do. I only have bought gifts for Winter and a few people at work done. Now that I have no car at least for a day that means it has to take even longer to get done so I will be shopping only days before Christmas. What fun.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Sad Friday

Alright it was a busy few weeks lately. Work has sucked and life in general has been some what depressing. I've been broke all week due to the student loan sharks making me pay two months of payments at once. Everyone at work is getting fired faster than we can train new people so that makes work suck even more than usual.

One hilarious thing happened Friday night. I needed to do a load of laundry for uniforms to wear to work, so I walk through the laundry room door to find eight people playing hacky sack. I had to force my way through the small crowd to get to a washer. I got my laundry in and ran up stairs and laughed for a few minutes. It wasn't just that they were playing hacky sack at 9 o'clock in a laundry room, it was the assortment of losers that were there that made it funny. These were some early twenties stoners that obviously had nothing better to do on a Friday night. Although I guess I shouldn't say much since I was doing laundry and watching season two of Arrested Development. How sad.