Sunday, December 17, 2006

No posts, No apologies

Well I want to say that I haven't had the time to post, but the truth is that I haven't had more to write about. My life has been very dull. I have been working a lot and I just finished finals this week, but still I just haven't had much to say.

Life still kind of sucks. My (newer) car just wouldn't start today. Of course it was with a car full of friends in a Target parking lot so I had plenty of people to make fun of me. Ah, the joys of friendship.

I still have a ton of Christmas shopping to do. I only have bought gifts for Winter and a few people at work done. Now that I have no car at least for a day that means it has to take even longer to get done so I will be shopping only days before Christmas. What fun.

1 comment:

Winter said...

Aw, I feel special.