Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Annoying Girl with Scissors

Today I made the decision to get my hair cut. It had been about eight weeks since I got it cut, which for me is about four weeks too long. So I walk in to the place I usually go and they take me back right away. The girl started talking as soon as she had me sit down. Normally this is pleasant small talk, this time however this girl would not shut up. She started innocently enough by saying something about her messed up family. Trying to be nice (unusual I know) I told a little bit about how messed up my family is. Big mistake, she then told me EVERYTHING about her family. I know her brother is in jail and seeing this insane woman who stole her car.................and on and on for fifteen minutes until I wanted to die. I think I need to take Winter's advice and she the woman who cuts her hair.

In work news our Co Manager got promoted to the General Manager of another store. He was so happy because they nearly had to beg him to take it. This means that I will stuck at the same store, but in hopefully just a few weeks I will be promoted to Co Manager. This means I'll be second in charge of the store which is a little weird. I've never officially been in that position before so we'll have to see how that works out.


colonel eggroll said...

Ahhh. Gotta love those people who take one polite comment to mean "tell me everything!"

Yes, Dawn is a great hairstylist, she's really fast too. You'll like her.

Good luck with work, and hope you have a happy easter.

Winter said...

See? See! Thank you Colonel E. Every time he goes and gets his hair cut he comes back with some horror story. And I always tell him to go see Dawn. Gods, it's going to take someone shaving his ears off before he'll listen. :P