Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Sickeningly Fun Weekend

Well I had a good weekend for the most part. I got to go out with my girlfriend, two of her friends, and Becky on Saturday night. Problem was I drank a lot. Very stupid. I don't remember most of the last bar we were at and I was so sick I couldn't leave my girlfriend's house. I have never been that drunk before, it was embarrassing. Nothing like spending time nauseous on the floor of your girlfriend's bathroom.

The next morning I only felt a little better so I was driven home and slept until noon. I woke up and decided not to waste any more of my weekend and went to visit my friends in Toledo. I had been invited up to celebrate my friend Maria passing a major point in her graduate program early in the week and I wanted to congratulate her. I went with them to the mall and helped babysit while the my friends were shopping and then we all went out to dinner. By then I was mostly over my nausea and could eat more than the crackers and tomato soup I had eaten earlier in the day. Except for the way I felt on Sunday it was a really good weekend. Next time I go out I am just not going to drink.

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