Monday, March 12, 2007

My Fabulous Day Off

Well Saturday I was on my way to work and my mom called me. She wanted to come up for a visit. We both thought that her coming up on Sunday afternoon was a good idea. Well I had it all planned out to got to church on Sunday morning and then come home and clean. Everything was going well, I was finishing cleaning and had walked in my bedroom when it happened. The mother of all crashing sounds came out of my closet and slammed the closet door shut. After I crawled off of the ceiling I opened my closet door to look at the horror. An entire shelf in my closet had ripped itself out of the wall and spilled my clothes, half of my comics, and a ton of plaster everywhere. Of course this was a half an hour before my mom got to town.

So when mom got to town we went around looking for some shelves to hold my comics, since I obviously wasn't going to use closet shelves again. I wasn't really paying attention to how large the shelf was and it barely fit in my car. I then had to wait for a half an hour until Winter got home to help me carry it up and put it together. Not being the "handy" one she really did most of the assembly. Ah the shame. I love my days of they suck.

1 comment:

Winter said...

1. Crawling off the ceiling? I find this image somehow plausible (give the amount of pop you drink) and hilarious. I'm slightly sad I missed out.

2. Why do you only seem to post when bad things happen?

3. Don't feel too bad, I was the one who stabbed themself with the screwdriver while putting said bookshelves together.