Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Can you really make me feel worse??

As ever I am glad to have tomorrow off work. After being screamed at for several minutes by an angry customer, I felt like shit. It really surprised me that I felt that bad normally I would just get mad, bitch about it and go on with my day. I think why I felt this bad was that it seemed like kicking me while I was down. My life is going through a really bad phase right now and I just wasn't up to it. I really thought I would cry for a few minutes there.

I hate the people in this town they are just ungrateful selfish assholes. I already have job I don't like, my car is dead, I'm in debt up to my eyeballs, do you really need to make me feel worse? Next time someone needs to take something out take up boxing or see a therapist and leave me alone.

1 comment:

Winter said...

Awwww. We're here for you. Just point me at somebody who needs it and I will administer a most righteous beating.

Seriously though, you do have a point. There are some assholerific people around here.